
Monday, August 7

Office Swap!

Hello all,

THUD! THUD! THUD! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! THUD THUD THUD!

You may be wondering, what in the world is Justin writing on his blog? I am trying to give you all a feel of what we are hearing here at the (Temp) Partners Worldwide offices... or should I say office. We are all crammed in a conference room while the wonderful CRCNA construction crew guts and re-models our offices! They are going to look GLORIOUS!!!

Apart from the noises described above, the office is pretty quiet today. Everyone went to Chicago today for a training session with new members! What a fine place for a meeting! I should get over to the windy city one of these days! I think I'll wait for Nana Pomaa to get here... Speaking of Nana Pomaa!!!

If you haven't heard, I am engaged to a Ghanaian girl named Nana Pomaa. We met when I was in Ghana in 2003 and got to know eachother really well when I went back in 2005! Anyways, when I returned in january I submitted a Fiance visa petition (the only way she can get into our country). Until last week, I hadn't heard anything. Then, at once, it was APPROVED!!! This is a HUGE answer to prayer and I thank all of you for your prayers and support! The next steps are all in Ghana, so just pray that we have the strength and patience to get all this stuff done so she can get a real visa. She would then come over and we would get married and start our lives together!

Anyways, enough for today! Let me know what you are all up to! I hope that God is working in all of your lives. He truly is a wonderful and merciful God! Also, be sure to check out KENYAGREG'S Blog... the link is on the right!

Enjoy and God Bless!


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