
Thursday, June 29

Countries, countries, and more countries!

Hello readers!

It has been a bittersweet week here at Partners Worldwide. First, my dear friends Lora and Pellagia have both left for a month. Lora is getting married and Pellagia is off to Zambia and Zimbabwe to do some work for Partners! I am excited for them, but I will surely miss them in the office!

Second, I am working on a wonderful project that is taking me on a journey around the world. I am in charge of creating country profiles for the countries that Partners is working in. There are 20 of them, so I have quite a lot to do! I learn about their political history, their economic situation, their culture, and some advocacy issues that need to be addressed! What fun!

Anyways, I hope all is well for everyone. For those who have contributed to my internship so far, a
HUGE thank you to you! To date, I have raised $1450 of the $3000+ I hope to get! Like I said, the more over $3000 I get, the more exciting opportunities await! More on that later!

Take care and God bless all of you!



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